
From Video Game Music Preservation Foundation Wiki
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My avatar is Salamando from Secret of Mana (SNES).

Hello, I'm Dean Tersigni, the founder of the Video Game Music Preservation Foundation and avid listener of video game music. I've recorded over 280 game soundtracks for this site. My first gaming system was an Atari 2600, but the NES was where I earned my street cred. My favorite home console is the SNES. I never played much on the Genesis, but I am big into the DOS scene. I own a couple of fifth and sixth generations consoles like the N64, PS1, and Game Cube, but I never played them much when they were popular. I haven't played much of anything in the home console market since then. I've been a big DOS gamer since 1990, and slowly migrated to Windows games as it began to the dominate platform. I also have several hundred Steam games under my belt.

You can contact me by leaving a note in my Discussion page, or by sending an email to TAG-Email.png


The following are games that I have contributed to this Wiki, either by ripping their audio files, or by recording their soundtrack. Obviously, I have helped maintain many other pages, but these are the ones where I have directly helped procure the audio.

Rips I've Made

Recordings I've Made (A-F)

Recordings I've Made (G-R)

Recordings I've Made (S-Z)

* Needs song pages.
† Needs album art.
‡ Needs updated song pages.

Programs I've Written

The following are computer programs I've written to aid other editors in the creation, recording, and maintenance of files for the VGMPF. If you can think of a specific program that may be useful to you for helping the site, please let me know and I might be able to create it.

Favorite Soundtracks

Games listed below have soundtracks that I admire as a whole because the entire soundtrack works together to increase the overall quality of the game by establishing mood and increasing the enjoyment of game play.

Platform - ARC.png

Platform - DOS.png

Platform - GB.png

Platform - GEN.png

Platform - N64.png

Platform - NES.png

Platform - SNES.png

Platform - TG16.png

Platform - W32.png

Platform - WEB.png

Favorite Songs

These songs are my favorite individual tracks from various games. While many of them are good in their own right, others are based on a more personal connection from fond memories of enjoying the games with good friends.

Platform - ARC.png

Platform - C64.png

Platform - DOS.png

Platform - GEN.png

Platform - N64.png

Platform - NES.png

Platform - SNES.png

Platform - W16.png

Platform - W32.png

Platform - WEB.png

Favorite Composers

These are composers who, in my opinion, have put together an impressive catalog of songs.

