Times of Lore (DOS)

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Times of Lore
Times of Lore - DOS - USA.jpg
Platform: DOS
Year: 1989
Developer: Origin Systems, Inc.
Buy: Amazon
For other versions of this game see Times of Lore

Times of Lore is an action adventure game using a top-down view. You play either a knight, valkyrie, or barbarian who is searching for a way to bring order to the kingdom of Albareth which has slowly fallen into chaos. In order to do this, you must seek out knowledgeable people to give you advice and send you on quests to vanquish the source of the chaos.

Although the setting suggests an RPG, the game is actually a simplified action game. Dialogue is light, you don't have any stats to increase, combat consists of mashing the same button over and over, and there are only a handful of items to collect in the game. Despite its flaws, the game does feature a game world which, at the time, was unprecedented in size. You could move about the entire map freely without loading or having to go in and out of separate town maps.

The DOS port features brighter graphics than the original Commodore 64 release, but reduces the size of the already small display window.


Times of Lore - DOS - Title.png

The title carved into stone.

Times of Lore - DOS - Story 1.png

Reading the background story.

Times of Lore - DOS - Character Selection.png

Choosing my character class.

Times of Lore - DOS - Valkyrie.png

Examining one of the character types.

Times of Lore - DOS - Start.png

Awaking upstairs in my room at the inn.

Times of Lore - DOS - Overworld.png

Heading north out of the starting city.


VGMPF Album Art       Icon-Help.png

Times of Lore - DOS - Album Art.jpg

The music for the DOS port was very similar in sound and location to the original Commodore 64 music which was composed by Martin Galway. The entire soundtrack is played during the game's introduction and ending, leaving all of the actual game play silent except for sound effects. This is a shame because, unlike the Commodore 64, decently-powered PCs of the time would have been able to handle music during game play.

Herman Miller was responsible for converting the original Commodore 64 SID music into Origin's new music DOS format, M. This new format supported AdLib, Creative Music System, and Tandy 3 Voice. The conversion process caused the music to play at a faster tempo and slightly higher register. Also, some of Galway's more creative work with the soundtrack, like the randomized solos in the title theme, had to be eliminated to fit into the new format, but most of the music was left intact.

The original soundtrack on the Commodore 64 has the trademark buzzy twang of the SID chip, a timbre that differs from the three devices available in the DOS port. The AdLib music has a noticeably warmer twang, the Creative Music System is a bit more tinny, and the Tandy has the same tinniness of the CMS, just with lower fidelity.

For the music below, tracks beginning with a 1 are the AdLib recording, those beginning with a 2 are the Creative Music System recording, and those beginning with a 3 are the Tandy 3 Voice recording.


# Title ComposerArranger Length Listen Download
101 Title Martin GalwayHerman Miller 5:18
102 Story, Part 1 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:30
103 Story, Part 2 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:36
104 Story, Part 3 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 0:51
105 Story, Part 4 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:36
106 Story, Part 5 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:42
107 Story, Part 6 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:03
108 Story, Part 7 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:28
109 Character Selection Martin GalwayHerman Miller 3:31
110 Ending, Part 1 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 3:38
111 Ending, Part 2 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 2:50
# Title ComposerArranger Length Listen Download
201 Title Martin GalwayHerman Miller 5:28
202 Story, Part 1 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:30
203 Story, Part 2 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:36
204 Story, Part 3 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 0:39
205 Story, Part 4 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:36
206 Story, Part 5 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:42
207 Story, Part 6 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:03
208 Story, Part 7 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:28
209 Character Selection Martin GalwayHerman Miller 3:31
210 Ending, Part 1 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:53
211 Ending, Part 2 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 2:33
# Title ComposerArranger Length Listen Download
301 Title Martin GalwayHerman Miller 5:23
302 Story, Part 1 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:29
303 Story, Part 2 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:36
304 Story, Part 3 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 0:39
305 Story, Part 4 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:36
306 Story, Part 5 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:42
307 Story, Part 6 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:03
308 Story, Part 7 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:28
309 Character Selection Martin GalwayHerman Miller 3:31
310 Ending, Part 1 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 1:51
311 Ending, Part 2 Martin GalwayHerman Miller 2:33


(Source: Reference Card)

Game Rip



M (Origin).png TM.png



The *.M and *.TM files are located in the installed directory. The AdLib recording was made with AdPlug through Winamp. The Creative Music System and Tandy 3 Voice recordings were made during game play in DOSBox. The AdLib and CMS music is stored in the *.M files and the Tandy music is stored in the *.TM files. Both the original files and the uncompressed files are available in the rip.

Audio Devices


Icon - AdLib.png Icon - Creative Music System.png Icon - Tandy 3 Voice.png


Icon - PC Speaker.png


Although Times of Lore supports several devices that could have been used for sound effects, all sound is sent to the PC Speaker.


  USA.svg   USA
Times of Lore - DOS - USA.jpg
Title: Times of Lore
Platform: DOS
Released: 1989-02-??
Publisher: Origin Systems, Inc.


Times of Lore
Times of Lore Platform - C64.png • Platform - AST.png • Platform - AMI.png • Platform - DOS.png • Platform - ZXS.png • Platform - CPC.png • Platform - NES.png
Notable Songs Title
Notable Personnel Martin Galway
Notable Companies Origin Systems