Yuji Suzuki

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Yuji Suzuki
Yuji Suzuki - 1.jpg
Local 鈴木 雄司 (すずき ゆうじ)
Born 1963-11-11
Birth Place Tokyo, Japan
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg
Aliases Y.Suzuki
Yuji S.

Yuji Suzuki is a Japanese composer and musician. He was born in Tokyo, Japan in November 11, 1963.

Around 1988, Suzuki joined Data East, with Soccer League: Winner's Cup being his debut work. Because he worked with other Data East sound staff such as Shogo Sakai, Takafumi Miura, and Masaaki Iwasaki, and other composers, so it's difficult to tell which specific songs he worked on in each game. During his career at Data East, he composed the music for about 15 games, and worked on a range of platforms including the NES, Game Boy, and TurboGrafx-16. Suzuki departed Data East around 1991.

While Suzuki is no longer active in the game industry, he continues to compose and perform music.

Music Development


Yuji would write his music and then give it to Shogo Sakai. Sakai would then enter the music in assembly on an MSX computer and converted to the Data East sound driver.


Released Title Sample Notes
1988-08-12 Soccer League: Winner's Cup (FC) (サッカーリーグ ウィナーズカップ) With Shogo Sakai and Masaaki Iwasaki.
1988-12-16 Captain Silver (FC) (キャプテンシルバー) With Shogo Sakai.
1989-01-31 Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing (NES) (World Grand Prix: Pole to Finish)
With Shogo Sakai and Masaaki Iwasaki.
1989-04-01 Majou Hakkenden Shada (TG16) (魔界八犬伝シャダ) With Shogo Sakai, Masaaki Iwasaki, Seiichi Hamada, and Yusuke Takahama.
1989-07-14 Bad Dudes (NES) (ドラゴンニンジャ)
With Masaaki Iwasaki, Shogo Sakai, Yusuke Takahama, and Junichi Uchida.
1989-08-25 RoboCop (NES)
With Shogo Sakai and Masaaki Iwasaki.
1989-09-01 Bloody Wolf (TG16) (ならず者戦闘部隊 ブラッディウルフ) With Shogo Sakai and Yusuke Takahama.
1989-12-23 Herakles no Eikou II: Titan no Metsubou (FC) (ヘラクレスの栄光 タイタンの滅亡) With Shogo Sakai, Masaaki Iwasaki, Seiichi Hamada, and Yusuke Takahama.
1990-03-02 Heavy Barrel (NES) With Shogo Sakai, Masaaki Iwasaki, Seiichi Hamada, and Yusuke Takahama.
1990-03-23 Boulder Dash (NES) (ボルダーダッシュ) With Yusuke Takahama and Shogo Sakai.
1990-05-11 Lock N' Chase (GB) (ロックンチェイス) With Shogo Sakai and Yusuke Takahama.
1990-09-21 Side Pocket (GB) (サイドポケット) With Seiichi Hamada, Yusuke Takahama, and Seiji Yamanaka.
1990-09-28 Tantei Saburo Jinguji: Toki no Sugiyuku Mama Ni... (FC) (探偵神宮寺三郎 時の過ぎゆくままに…) With Shogo Sakai, Seiichi Hamada, Yusuke Takahama, and eSeiji Yamanaka.
1991-03-29 Silent Debuggers (TG16) (サイレント デバッガーズ) With Nyanko Sakai, Syougo, Masaaki Iwasaki, Yusuke Takahama, and Yuji Suzuki.

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