Yoshiaki Inose (NES Driver)

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Yoshiaki Inose
Released 1986-04-24
Programmers Yoshiaki Inose
Language 6502 Assembly

Yoshiaki Inose is the unofficial name of the NES sound engine programmed by Tecmo programmed Yoshiaki Inose. It was used in only four games; Chester Field, Mighty Bomb Jack, Super Star Force, and Tsuppari Oozumou.

Though the driver was programmed by Yoshiaki Inose, he did not write music or sound effects, and therefore didn't use the driver. Keiji Yamagishi used it to compose his first game Tsuppari Oozumou, Michiharu Hasuya and Tsukasa Masuko both used it for Mighty Bomb Jack, and Mikio Saito used it for the games Chester Field and Super Star Force.

The driver was later modified and used by Michiharu Hasuya, which in turn was modified again for Advance Communication Company.

According to Yoshiaki Inose, the sound driver does not have a name.


Composers had to write in 6502 assembly machine code to create music and sound effects for the driver. The computer they wrote the music on would be hooked up to a Famicom for audio playback.

Release History

The driver was first used in Mighty Bomb Jack for the NES. Tsukasa Masuko and Michiharu Hasuya used the driver to create music and sound effects for the game. Both would later go on to program their own sound drivers. The last game to use the driver was Tsuppari Oozumou (composed by Keiji Yamagishi), which would end the driver's short lifespan of a little over a year. With the exception of Mighty Bomb Jack, all the titles were exclusive to Japan. Super Star Force and Chester Field were composed by Mikio Saito.


The driver outputs to the RP2A03 only, and doesn't take advantage of the DPCM channel or any Famicom expansion sound.


There are four different versions of the sound driver:

  • 1 - Original version by Yoshiaki Inose.
  • 2 - Revised version by Michiharu Hasuya and Keiji Yamagishi.
  • 3 - Advance Communication Company version 1 (Italicized titles denote 1/4 sharp tuning).
  • 4 - Advance Communication Company version 2 (Italicized titles denote 1/4 sharp tuning).
Released Title Sample Version
1986-04-24 Mighty Bomb Jack (NES) (マイティーボンブジャック) 1
1986-07-30 Solomon's Key (NES) (ソロモンの鍵) 2
1986-11-11 Super Star Force: Jikuureki no Himitsu (FC) (スーパースターフォース 時空暦の秘密) 1
1986-11-21 Aigina no Yogen: Balubalouk no Densetsu Yori (FC) (アイギーナの予言) 1
1987-04-17 Rygar (NES) (アルゴスの戦士)
1987-07-30 Chester Field: Ankoku Kami e no Chousen (FC) (チェスター・フィールド 暗黒神への挑戦) 1
1987-08-28 Hikari no Senshi Photon: The Ultimate Game on Planet Earth (FC) (光の戦士フォトン 惑星ゾルディアスの戦い) 2
1987-09-18 Tsuppari Oozumou (FC) (つっぱり大相撲) 1
1987-11-?? Star Force (NES) 2 (USA version only)
1988-03-17 Tsurikichi Sanpei: Blue Marlin Hen (FC) (釣りキチ三平~ブルーマーリン編~) 2
1988-03-26 Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode (NES) (ゴルゴ13 第一章神々の黄昏) 1
1988-04-08 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (NES) (ジーキル博士の彷魔が刻)
1988-04-28 Tecmo Cup Soccer Game (NES) (キャプテン翼) 2
1988-07-22 Kid Kool and the Quest for the Seven Wonder Herbs (NES) (カケフくんのジャンプ天国 スピード地獄) 1
1988-08-26 Ys (FC) (イース)
1988-12-09 Ninja Gaiden (NES) (忍者龍剣伝) 2
1988-12-17 Cycle Race: Road Man (FC) (サイクルレースロードマン 激走!!日本一周4000キロ) 3
1989-01-24 Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor (FDS) (機動警察パトレイバー) 3
1989-01-27 Clash at Demonhead (NES) (電撃ビッグバン!) 1
1989-01-?? Tecmo Baseball (NES) 2
1989-02-23 Tama & Friends: 3 Choume Daibouken (FDS) (タマ&フレンズ 3丁目大冒険)
1989-02-?? Tecmo Bowl (NES) (テクモボウル)
1989-07-25 Oishinbo: Kyuukyoku no Menu Sanbon Shoubu (FC) (美味しんぼ 究極のメニュー三本勝負)
1989-08-08 Circus Caper (NES) (燃える!お兄さん)
1989-09-01 Tecmo World Wrestling (NES) (激闘プロレス!! 闘魂伝説) 2
1989-12-01 Conflict (NES) (コンフリクト) 1
1989-12-08 Seirei Gari (FC) (星霊狩り) 3
1989-12-15 Bad News Baseball (NES) (激闘スタジアム!!) 2
1990-03-23 Sansara Naga (FC) (サンサーラ・ナーガ)
1990-04-06 Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos (NES) (忍者龍剣伝II 暗黒の邪神剣) 2
1990-04-?? Dynowarz: The Destruction of Spondylus (NES)
1990-05-25 Ys II (FC) (イースⅡ)
1990-06-?? Silkworm (NES) 2
1990-07-20 Captain Tsubasa II: Super Striker (FC) (キャプテン翼II スーパーストライカー) 2
1990-11-10 Last Armageddon (FC) (ラストハルマゲドン) 4
1991-07-31 Otaku no Seiza: An Adventure in the Otaku Galaxy (FC) (おたくの星座) 4
1991-09-27 Ys III (FC) (イースⅢ)
1991-11-15 Shounen Ashibe: Nepal Daibouken no Maki (FC) (少年アシベ ネパール大冒険の巻) 4
1991-02-22 Niji no Silkroad: Zigzag Boukenki (FC) (虹のシルクロード 〜ジグザグ冒険記〜) 3
1991-03-15 Fushigi no Umi no Nadia (FC) (ふしぎの海のナディア)
1991-06-21 Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom (NES) (忍者龍剣伝III 黄泉の方船) 2
1991-11-15 Radia Senki: Reimeihen (FC) (ラディア戦記 黎明篇) 2
1991-12-13 Tecmo Super Bowl (NES) (テクモスーパーボウル) 2


Frequency Registers

The lowest note in the driver unusually starts at D#1 and works its way up to the 8th octave. A G-8 is the highest note heard in the driver (from Chester Field), so it is unknown if the driver actually goes higher than that, as the ROMs the driver is used in only displays D#1 to D-2. An algorithm is used to divide each frequency by 2 to achieve higher octaves.

B-8 = 07
A#8 = 07
A-8 = 07
G#8 = 08
G-8 = 08
F#8 = 09
F-8 = 09
E-8 = 0A
D#8 = 0B
D-8 = 0B
C#8 = 0C
C-8 = 0D
B-7 = 0E
A#7 = 0E
A-7 = 0F
G#7 = 10
G-7 = 11
F#7 = 12
F-7 = 13
E-7 = 15
D#7 = 16
D-7 = 17
C#7 = 18
C-7 = 1A
B-6 = 1C
A#6 = 1D
A-6 = 1F
G#6 = 21
G-6 = 23
F#6 = 25
F-6 = 27
E-6 = 2A
D#6 = 2C
D-6 = 2F
C#6 = 31
C-6 = 34
B-5 = 38
A#5 = 3B
A-5 = 3E
G#5 = 42
G-5 = 46
F#5 = 4A
F-5 = 4F
E-5 = 54
D#5 = 59
D-5 = 5E
C#5 = 63
C-5 = 69
B-4 = 70
A#4 = 76
A-4 = 7D
G#4 = 85
G-4 = 8D
F#4 = 95
F-4 = 9E
E-4 = A8
D#4 = B2
D-4 = BC
C#4 = C7
C-4 = D3
B-3 = E0
A#3 = ED
A-3 = FB
G#3 = 10A
G-3 = 11A
F#3 = 12B
F-3 = 13D
E-3 = 150
D#3 = 164
D-3 = 179
C#3 = 18F
C-3 = 1A7
B-2 = 1C0
A#2 = 1DB
A-2 = 1F7
G#2 = 215
G-2 = 235
F#2 = 257
F-2 = 27A
E-2 = 2A0
D#2 = 2C8
D-2 = 2F2
C#2 = 31F
C-2 = 34F
B-1 = 381
A#1 = 3B7
A-1 = 3EF
G#1 = 42B
G-1 = 46B
F#1 = 4AE
F-1 = 4F5
E-1 = 541
D#1 = 591

Address Locations

Chester Field: $8467-$847E
Mighty Bomb Jack: $3540-3557
Super Star Force: $18457-$1846E
Tsuppari Oozumou: $28A9-$28C0
