Yoko Kawashima

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Yoko Kawashima
Yoko Kawashima - 01.jpg
Local 川嶋陽子 (かわしま ようこ)
Born Unknown
Birth Place Adachi-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg
Aliases Y.Suzuki, Yoko Chan, Youko Suzuki, Hime Suzuki (Princess Suzuki)

Yoko Kawashima (formerly known as Yoko Suzuki (鈴木陽子)) is a Japanese composer and sound designer who worked at Graphic Research from around 1992 to about 1999. She appears to have primarily only worked with other composers, and rarely worked solo.

Audio Development

Game Boy/NES

For the NES, Yoko wrote the music in Music Macro Language using the sound driver programmed by Yasuyuki Hamada and Fumito Tamayama. She used a similar method for the Game Boy, using a sound driver by Hiroto Kanno, Hamada, and Tamayama.


Released Title Sample Notes
1992-??-?? Widget (NES)
Arranger of Shinji Tachikawa's music, with Fumito Tamayama and Tinpu Uchibori.
1993-06-19 J.League Fighting Soccer: The King of Ace Strikers (FC) (Jリーグ ファイティング サッカー)
1993-08-17 Socket (GEN) (タイムドミネーター) With Shigenori Masuko, Fumito Tamayama
1993-12-25 Battle Mania: Daiginjou (GEN) (バトルマニア 大吟醸) With Shigenori Masuko, Fumito Tamayama
1994-03-18 Derby Jockey: Kishou e no Michi (SFC) (ダービージョッキー 騎手王への道) With Shigenori Masuko, Fumito Tamayama
1994-04-02 J.League Winning Goal (GB) (Jリーグウイニングゴール)
With Shigenori Masuko.
1994-05-27 J.League Winning Goal (FC) (Jリーグ ウィニング ゴール)
With Shigenori Masuko
1994-12-16 Mickey no Disneyland Daibouken (SFC) (ミッキーの東京ディズニーランド大冒険) With Shigenori Masuko, Maki Kirioka
1995-03-17 Oraga Land Shusai (SFC) (おらがランド主催 ベストファーマー収穫祭) With Maki Kirioka
1995-04-21 J.League Live '95 (GB) (Jリーグ ライブ 95) With Shigenori Masuko, Maki Kirioka
1995-07-07 Pachinko Ironman: Seven Match Series (SFC) (パチンコ鉄人 七番勝負) With Shigenori Masuko
1995-09-29 Derby Jockey 2 (SFC) (ダービージョッキー2) With Shigenori Masuko, Maki Kirioka
1995-12-22 Tokyo Disneyland: Mickey no Cinderella Shiro Mystery Tour (GB) (東京ディズニーランド:ミッキーのシンデレラ城ミステリーツアー) With Kiyomi Tanaka
1995-??-?? Hotdog Storm (ARC) With Shigenori Masuko, Fumito Tamayama
1996-09-27 Speed Racer (PS1) (マッハ ゴー ゴー ゴー) With Shigenori Masuko, Maki Kirioka, Kiyomi Tanaka
1999-12-24 Monster Rancher Battle Card (GBC) (モンスターファームバトルカードGB) With Kiyomi Tanaka and Mikio Masuzawa.
2001-03-21 Boku wa Koukuu Kanseikan (GBA) (ぼくは航空管制官) With Kiyomi Tanaka.
2002-01-03 One Piece: Treasure Wars (WSC) (トレシャーウォーズ) With Kiyomi Tanaka.
