Yasuo Yamate

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Yasuo Yamate
Local 山手 安生 (やまて やすお)
Born 1957-04-14
Birth Place Unknown
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg
Aliases Tate Norio

Yasuo Yamate (better known as Tate-Norio) is a Japanese composer who worked at SNK Playmore. He is one of the earliest members of their sound group SNK New World Music Troupe. He is known for his contributions to many games and series such as The King of Fighters, Samurai Spirits, and Fatal Fury.


Released Title Sample Notes
1990-11-07 Cyber-Lip (ARC) (サイバーリップ)
1991-02-12 Sengoku (ARC) (戦国伝承) With Toshio Shimizu.
1991-07-01 Cyber-Lip (NG) (サイバーリップ)
1991-07-01 Sengoku (NG) (戦国伝承) With Toshio Shimizu.
1991-09-20 2020 Super Baseball (ARC) (2020年スーパーベースボール) With Toshikazu Tanaka, Yasumasa Yamada, and Toshio Shimizu.
1991-??-?? Quiz Daisousa Sen: The Last Count Down (ARC) (クイズ大捜査線) With Toshio Shimizu, "Makko", and "Hiraocchi".
1992-03-23 Last Resort (ARC)
1993-12-18 Sengoku Denshou (MCD) (戦国伝承) With Toshio Shimizu and Yoshikazu Yao.
2002-10-10 The King of Fighters 2002 (ARC)
2003-12-18 The King of Fighters 2003 (ARC)
2005-03-24 Spikeout: Battle Street (XBOX)
2024-10-03 Sword Art Online: Fractured Daydream (PS5) Sound Designer
