What the Hale Productions

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What the Hale Music
Born 1990-??-??
Birth Place Chicago, Illinois, USA
Nationality American   USA.svg
  • What the Hale Music
Website whatthehale.com

What the Hale Productions is an American recording studio in Chicago, Illinois, and was founded by Kenneth Hale. The studio creates audio for various media including television and video games. In the world of video games, they are known for their several soundtracks for games developed by Raw Thrills and Play Mechanix.



Released Title Sample Notes
2009-??-?? Big Buck Hunter Pro: Open Season (ARC) With Lance Keltner and George Petro.
2010-09-15 Big Buck Hunter Pro (WII) With George Petro, Scott Pikulski, and Joe LeVeque.
2014-02-?? Aliens: Armageddon (ARC)
2018-05-?? Halo: Fireteam Raven (ARC)
