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VRC VI - Bare.jpg
Developer: Konami
Released: 1989-12-22
Type: Chip

1.) Pulse Wave
2.) Pulse Wave
3.) Sawtooth Wave

The VRC VI, often referred to as the VRC6, is a chip made by Konami and used as a memory mapper and audio expander for their Nintendo Entertainment System games. This is the 6th virtual ROM controller Konami made, and it was designed to replace the VRC V. It's model number is 053329. The additional audio capabilities of the chip were only used in three game, and only in their Japanese releases:

In addition to better memory access, the VRC VI grant three additional audio channels, 2 pulse wave channels and a sawtooth channel.

This chip was superseded by the VRC VII.


This ASCII art represents the chip's pinout.

(s) means this pin connects to the System
(r) this only connects to the ROM
(w) this is a SRAM/WRAM connection only
AUD : these pass to the resistor network
CHR : these connect to the CHR ROM and/or fami's CHR pins
PRG : these connect to the PRG ROM and/or fami's PRG pins
WRAM : this hooks to the WRAM
CIRAM : the RAM chip which is on the fami board 

                      GND - |01      48| - +5V
                  AUD  D1 - |02      47| - AUD  D0   
                  AUD  D3 - |03      46| - AUD  D2
                  AUD  D5 - |04      45| - AUD  D4
              (s) PRG A12 - |05      44| - PRG A16 (r)
              (s) PRG A14 - |06      43| - PRG A13 (s)
                   (s) M2 - |07      42| - PRG A17 (r)
              (r) PRG A14 - |08      41| - PRG A15 (r)
          *1  (s) PRG  A1 - |09      40| - PRG A13 (r)
          *1  (s) PRG  A0 - |10      39| - PRG  D7 (s)
              (s) PRG  D0 - |11      38| - PRG  D6 (s)
              (s) PRG  D1 - |12      37| - PRG  D5 (s)
              (s) PRG  D2 - |13      36| - PRG  D4 (s)
              (r) PRG /CE - |14      35| - PRG  D3 (s)
                  (s) R/W - |15      34| - PRG /CE (s)
          *2 (w) WRAM /CE - |16      33| - /IRQ (s)
              (r) CHR /CE - |17      32| - CIRAM /CE (s)
              (s) CHR /RD - |18      31| - CHR A10 (s)
             (s) CHR /A13 - |19      30| - CHR A11 (s)
              (r) CHR A16 - |20      29| - CHR A12 (s)
              (r) CHR A15 - |21      28| - CHR A17 (r)
              (r) CHR A12 - |22      27| - CHR A14 (r)
              (r) CHR A11 - |23      26| - CHR A13 (r)
                      GND - |24      25| - CHR A10 (r)
                            |          |

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Emulation Status

Some of the more impressive NES emulators emulate this chip accurately, as does FamiTracker.
