Title Screen - Pachicom
Title Screen | ||||||
Title Screen is the song that plays in all 3 versions of Pachicom. It was composed by Keiichi Maruyama, a composer who worked for the game's publisher Toshiba EMI. He most likely wrote the music on sheet music paper or some other tangible format, which was given to the programmers to code into the game.
The song plays in the key of G major, and follows the following chord progression: G, C, G, C, G, D, and finally G. The song is only around 10 seconds long, and is the only song in the entire game, so there is not much to it. However, this was the standard at the time, and it was wise for the developers to reach out to the publisher for a professional musician. The song plays at the title screen in all 3 versions, hence the name.
Title Screen is an unofficial title. Keiichi should be contacted for an official title.
Pachicom (MSX)
Pachicom (MSX) | ||||||||||||
The song plays at the title screen, and plays a little slower than the Famicom version, though not by much.
The arranger is unknown.
Pachicom (FC/FDS)
Pachicom (FC) | ||||||||||||
The song plays at the title screen. It plays at 150 BPM, and has the highest sound quality of all the releases, due to the various pulse widths possible thanks to the Famicom's 2A03.
The arranger is unknown.
Pachicom (PC88)
Pachicom (PC88) | ||||||||