Takuya Hanaoka

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Takuya Hanaoka
Takuya Hanaoka - 03.jpg
Local 花岡 拓也 (はなおか たくや)
Born 19??-03-16
Birth Place Komoro, Nagano, Japan
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg
Aliases T. Hanaoka

Takuya Hanaoka is a Japanese composer and sound designer. He is known for his works with Tecmo and for his work with the audio group Salamander Factory.

He originally worked for Heart Denshi working on their adult titles. In 1993, he joined Tecmo, where he usually worked on their 16-bit titles. He is known for his soundtrack with Monster Rancher. Around 1996, Hanaoka left Tecmo to work at Studio Cliche where he normally worked with Shigenori Masuko on games such as AirGrave and Hansha de Spark!. In 1999, he and Naofumi Tsuruyama (also a member of Studio Cliche) left to form their own music business, Salamander Factory. With his company, he has worked on popular game series such as Super Robot Taisen and BeatMania.

In 2019, Hanaoka left Salamander Factory and started working for Amata Co., where he a part of their sound team "Hakurin Blue".

Audio Developent


He used Tecmo's custom sound driver.


Takuya used Tecmo's custom sound driver. Music was entered on a Sony NEWS computer in a format similar to MIDI.

For Ninja Gaiden Trilogy, he had to arrange the music from the 3 games by ear. He was able to do so for the first two games via the sound test. However, because the third game didn't have a sound test, he had to play through the game on his own.


Released Title Sample Notes
1993-11-26 Tecmo Super Bowl (SNES) (テクモスーパーボウル) With Keiji Yamagishi, Rika Shigeno, Kaori Nakabai, Hiroshi Miyazaki, and Tetsukazu Nakanishi.
1993-??-?? Quiz Kokology 2 (ARC) (クイズココロジー2)
1994-01-01 Tecmo Super Bowl II: Special Edition (GEN) (テクモスーパーボウルⅡ スペシャルエディション) With Tetsukazu Nakanishi.
1994-??-?? Eight Forces (ARC) (エイトフォース) With Shigekiyo Okuda and Tetsukazu Nakanishi.
1995-08-04 Tecmo Super Bowl III: Final Edition (GEN)
1995-08-10 Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (SNES) (忍者龍剣伝 巴) With Hiroshi Miyazaki.
30-40% of Arrangements.
1995-12-29 Tecmo Stackers (PS1) (でろ~んでろでろ) With Hideyuki Suzuki.
1996-07-25 Tecmo's Deception: Invitation to Darkness (PS1) (刻命館) With Takashi Kanai and Shigekiyo Okuda.
1996-11-29 AirGrave (PS1) (エアグレイヴ) With Shigenori Masuko.
1996-?/-?? Gallop Racer (PS1) (ギャロップレーサー) With Hiroaki Takahashi.
1996-??-?? Touki Denshou: Angel Eyes (ARC) (闘姫伝承 エンジェルアイズ) With Hiroaki Takahashi.
1997-05-30 J.League Go Go Goal! (SAT) (Jリーグ Go! Go! ゴール!!)
1997-07-24 Monster Rancher (PS1) (モンスターファーム) With Takashi Kanai, Shigekiyo Okuda, and Makoto Hosoi.
1997-09-25 Free Talk Studio: Mari no Kimamana Oshaberi (PS1) (フリートーク・スタジオ)
1997-12-23 Hansha de Spark! (SAT) (反射でスパーク!) With Fumito Tamayama and Shigenori Masuko.
1998-02-26 Choro Q Jet: Rainbow Wings (PS1) (チョロQジェット レインボーウィングス) Arrangements
1999-04-15 Biomotor Unitron (WSC) (バイオモーター・ユニトロン)
1999-05-27 BeatMania Append GottaMix (PS1) (ビートマニア APPEND GottaMix) Multiple Audio Roles
2000-03-02 BeatMania Append 5th Mix: Time to Get Down (PS1) (ビートマニア APPEND 5thMIX) Sound Data Analyzer with Masashi Watanabe and Ryoji Makimura.
2000-05-25 Super Robot Taisen Alpha (PS1) (スーパーロボット大戦α) Sound/SE with Naofumi Tsuruyama.
2000-09-07 BeatMania Append GottaMix 2: Going Global (PS1) (ビートマニア APPEND GOTTAMIX2) Sound Data Analyzer with Masashi Watanabe, Toshiyuki Kakuta, and Ryoji Makimura.
2000-11-15 Sky Odyssey (PS2) (スカイオデッセイ) Music Data Programemr with Naofumi Tsuruyama.
2001-03-29 BeatMania: The Sound of Tokyo (PS1) Sound Designer with Toshiyuki Kakuta and Shuichi Kobori.
2001-03-29 BeatMania IIDX 4th Style: New Songs Collection (PS1) (ビートマニアIIDX 4th style) Sound Data Analyzer with Masashi Watanabe, Shuichi Kobori, and Toshiyuki Kakuta.
2001-03-29 Super Robot Taisen Alpha Gaiden (PS1) (スーパーロボット大戦α外伝) Sound/SE/Voice Editing with Naofumi Tsuruyama.
2001-08-30 Super Robot Taisen Alpha (DC) (スーパーロボット大戦α for Dreamcast) Sound/SE with Naofumi Tsuruyama.
2002-07-25 Groove Adventure Rave: Plue no Daibouken (PS1) (プルーのだいぼうけん from GROOVE ADVENTURE RAVE) With Naofumi Tsuruyama.
2002-11-11 Kakuto Chojin (XBOX) (格闘超人) SE Creation with Naofumi Tsuruyama and Naoki Tsuchiya.
2002-11-22 Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation (GBA) (スーパーロボット大戦 ORIGINAL GENERATION) With Naofumi Tsuruyama.
2002-11-28 Kaettekita Cyborg Kuro-Chan (PS2) (帰ってきたサイボーグクロちゃん) With Naofumi Tsuruyama and Takahiro Kamikawa.
2003-04-18 Zoids: Legacy (GBA) (ゾイドサーガⅡ) With Naofumi Tsuruyama.
2004-04-30 Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon (GBA) (シャイニング・フォース ~ 黒き竜の復活~) With Naofumi Tsuruyama and Ippei Amano.
2005-02-03 Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 2 (GBA) (スーパーロボット大戦 ORIGINAL GENERAION 2) With Naofumi Tsuruyama.
2007-04-17 Bust-A-Move Bash! (WII) With Kuniharu Matsuda, Naofumi Tsuruyama, and Kayoko Matsushima.
2008-05-29 Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier (NDS) (無限のフロンティア スーパーロボット大戦OGサーガ) With Naofumi Tsuruyama and Kayoko Matsushima.
2008-10-23 Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon (PS2) (デビルサマナー 葛葉ライドウ 対 アバドン王) Sound Unit: Sound Effects with Naofumi Tsuruyama and Kayoko Matsushima.
2009-08-25 The Misshitsukara no Dasshutsu (WII) With Naofumi Tsuruyama and Kayoko Matsushima.
2010-01-12 Walk It Out! (WII) Katana In The Moonlight, Sakura in the Galaxy.
2010-02-04 Misshitsu no Sacrifice (PSP) (密室のサクリファイス) With Naofumi Tsuruyama and Kayoko Matsushima.
2012-10-11 Project X Zone (3DS) (プロジェクトクロスゾーン) Sound & SFX Production with Naofumi Tsuruyama and Kayoko Matsushima.
2015-02-19 God Eater 2: Rage Burst (PS4) Voice Editing Support with Naofumi Tsuruyama and Kayoko Matsushima.
2015-11-12 Project X Zone 2 (3DS) SFX Production with Naofumi Tsuruyama and Kayoko Matsushima.
2016-02-10 Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse (3DS) (真・女神転生IV FINAL) Sound Effects with Naofumi Tsuruyama and Kayoko Matsushima.
2016-08-29 God Eater 2: Rage Burst (W64) Voice Editing Support with Naofumi Tsuruyama and Kayoko Matsushima.
2021-04-22 Wonder Boy: Asha in Monster World (PS4) (ワンダーボーイ アーシャ・イン・モンスターワールド) Music Arranger with Kaori Nakabai and Tomohiro Morino.
2021-11-?? Clockwork Aquario (SW) (時計じかけのアクワリオ) Remake Music with Shinichi Sakamoto, Takayuki Ishii, Kaori Nakabai, and "Inoblivion".

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