Space Harrier |
- This page is for the Sega 32X version. For other games in the series, see Space Harrier.
Space Harrier in Japanese ('スペースハリアー - Supēsu Hariā), is a port of the arcade version, is a third-person on-rails shooter type video game originally released in the arcades on the Sega System 1B board, was licensed by SEGA-AM2 Co, LTD, developed by Rutubo Games and distributed by Sega Corp. on the Genesis add-on, the 32X in 1994 in America, Europe-Australia and Japan.
Space Harrier After the original arcade, it had conversions for many home systems. It is notable the case of the Master System, where there were two versions: one that was like the arcade and another, entitled Space Harrier 3-D which was actually a sequel, but in Sega 32X decided to make a very well worked port and the next quality results were seen.
Space Harrier on the 32X is close to be perfect from its arcade version, but it suffers frame rate drops when there are too many sprites on screen, but changes were made in the controls, graphics adapted to the peripheral and the melodies were improved with more changes, but its SFX sounds were the same of the Genesis version where the 32X was used.
This port is very good technically and very well done by Rutubo Games which did a good job to the game that had built the guru of SEGA, it was made almost to the letter of what the 32X with its very powerful but very fuzzy hardware could do, The game would be compared to others that Sega AM2 had developed, such as Virtua Fighter (32X), Virtua Racing Deluxe (32X) and After Burner (32X).
The game is good but the peripheral is bad (as it was a flop), but this does not mean that it is bad, on the contrary it received good reviews from magazines and video game specialists.
This game squeezed the 32X but it wasn't almost close to the arcade, an excellent job was done by Rutubo Games, although nobody knows if Sega AM2 wanted to make it but it still remained as a licensed port not created by Sega.
Title screen.
Menu screen.
Gameplay 1.
Gameplay 2.
Gameplay 3.
Message when losing a life/credit.
VGMPF Album Art
Hiroshi Kawaguchi and Mr.
Yu Suzuki were the original makers of the music always only to be provided to
Rutubo Games for development a little light for them but the programmers seem to forget to credit them at the end of development.
The music is almost at the level of the arcade version, but it has some flaws, but it did a good job carrying the game to the unsuccessful periphery.
The music resembles that of Genesis but with more tweaks because the 32X offered more sound quality, it made an almost faithful adaptation to what characterizes the game as what is a rampant shooter.
The credits are displayed after the game has been beaten.
These recordings were made by GatoVerde95 using Kega Fusion 2.02 and Cheat Engine to dump, VLC media player and foobar2000 to add Metadata, as additional tool Make List was used to encode the recordings in list mode.
Game Rip
Audio Devices
The sound chip from Genesis (6 FM channels Yamaha YM2612) and the extra 12 channels of PWM sound from the Sega 32X are used.
Template:Series - Space Harrier