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Composer Kevin Schilder
Released 1995-10-30
Title Origin Official

Simon is the song originally composed by Kevin Schilder for Hexen.


Hexen: Beyond Heretic (DOS)

Platform - DOS.png
Hexen: Beyond Heretic (DOS)
Output - PCM.svg
Output - MIDI.svg
Output - OPL3.svg
Hexen - DOS - Hub 1 Guardian of Ice.png
Arranger Kevin Schilder
Released 1995-10-30
Length 3:06
Format MUS (DMX), CD
Loops Yes

Both the MIDI and the CD versions of Simon play in the third level, Guardian of Ice of Hub 1 (internally MAP03).

If the game is able to read the disc inside, it will play the CD version respectively (track number 22), which is also used in Orchard of Lamentations of Hub 3 (substituting the Chippy existing only as MIDI), while the MIDI version plays only in the one aforementioned level.

The internal name ("lump") of the MIDI track is Simonr.

Hexen (PS1)

Platform - PS1.png
Hexen (PS1)
Output - PCM.svg
Hexen - PS1 - Hub 1 Guardian of Ice.PNG
Arranger Unknown
Released 1997-05-15
Length 3:02
Format CD
Loops Yes

In the PlayStation version of Hexen, Simon is used two times in the game. It plays in Guardian of Ice of Hub 1 (pictured), like in the original PC version and in Zedek's Tomb of Hub 5 (replacing Octo).

Simon is a track number four on the CD.

Hexen (SAT)

Platform - SAT.png
Hexen (SAT)
Arranger Unknown
Released 1997-04-30
Length ?:??

Hexen (N64)

Platform - N64.png
Hexen (N64)
Arranger Unknown
Released 1997-06-24
Length ?:??
