Shrine of Valor

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Shrine of Valor
Output - Roland.svg
Output - OPL2.svg
Ultima 7 - DOS - Shrine of Valor.png
Composer Dana Glover
Arranger Dana Glover
Programmer Herman Miller
Released 1992-04-16
Length 0:21.24
BPM 80
Format MIDI.png
Game Ultima VII: The Black Gate (DOS)
Title Origin Game Location
Loops No

Shrine of Valor plays in Ultima VII: The Black Gate (DOS) when you near the Shrine of Valor, located in the south-east of the Valorian Isles near Jhelom.

All of the shrine themes have a common sound. Valor's theme is distinguishable because it is performed almost entirely in brass.

This song is track 44 in the game's data files.
