Shinji Tachikawa

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Shinji Tachikawa
Local 立川 伸治 (たちかわ しんじ)
Born Unknown
Birth Place Unknown
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg

Shinji Tachikawa is a Japanese composer and sound designer. He is known for his work on the Umiharu Kawase series, alongside Atsuhiro Motoyama. His first game was the NES game Widget by Graphic Research, where he composed all the songs while GRC's sound team implemented his music. He then started working for Studio Saizensen, where he primarily wrote the music for handheld platforms such as the Game Boy Color, but later moved on to home consoles.

Tachikawa's last known game was in 2019, so it is unknown if he is still active in the industry.


Released Title Sample Notes
1992-??-?? Widget (NES)
Composer. Music arranged by Tinp. Uchibori, Fumito Tamayama, Yoko Kawashima.
1994-12-23 Umihara Kawase (SFC) (海腹川背) With Masahito Nakano and Atsuhiro Motoyama.
1995-03-31 Shijou Saikyou League Serie A: Ace Striker (SFC) (史上最強リーグ セリエA エースストライカー) With Masahito Nakano and Atsuhiro Motoyama.
1997-09-22 Umihara Kawase Shun (PS1) (海腹川背・旬) With Atsuhiro Motoyama.
1999-01-01 Power Lode Runner (SFC) (パワーロードランナー)
1999-12-24 Kidou Senkan Nadesico: Ruriruri Mahjong (GBC) (機動戦艦ナデシコ ルリルリ麻雀) Sound
Arranged Takayuki Hattori's music.
2000-04-28 Lode Runner: Domdom Dan no Yabou! (GBC) (ロードランナー ドムドム団のやぼう)
2000-09-29 Shinseiki Evangelion Mahjong Hokan Keikaku (GBC) (新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 麻雀補完計画) Sound
Arranged Shiro Sagisu's music.
2001-12-21 Shaman King: Chou Senjiryakketsu - Funbari Version (GBC) (シャーマンキング 超・占事略次 ふんばり編) Sound
Arranged Toshiyuki Ohmori's music.
2001-12-21 Shaman King: Chou Senjiryakketsu - Meramera Version (GBC) (シャーマンキング 超・占事略次 メラメラ編) Sound
Arranged Toshiyuki Ohmori's music.
2008-05-22 Glory of Heracles (NDS) (ヘラクレスの栄光 〜魂の証明〜) Sound/Sound Effects
2012-04-19 Code of Princess (3DS) (コード・オブ・プリンセス) Sound
2013-06-20 Yumi's Odd Odyssey (3DS) (さよなら 海腹川背) With Atsuhiro Motoyama.
2018-08-28 Blade Strangers (PS4) (ブレード ストレンジャーズ) With Yoshihiro Yamagishi.
2018-08-28 Blade Strangers (PS4) (ブレード ストレンジャーズ) With Yoshihiro Yamagishi.
2018-08-28 Blade Strangers (SW) (ブレード ストレンジャーズ) With Yoshihiro Yamagishi.
2019-04-25 Umihara Kawase Fresh! (SW) (海腹川背 Fresh!) With Yoshihiro Yamagishi.
