Shigenori Masuko

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Shigenori Masuko
Shigenori Masuko - 1.jpg
Local 益子重徳 (ますこ しげのり)
Born August 19, 1969
Birth Place Niigata-shi, Niigata, Japan
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg
Aliases S.Masuko, Shige Chan, Shige Masco, Geshi, Geeshii Kohmasu, Gundan Masuko, Yoshimi Masuko

Shigenori Masuko is a Japanese composer and sound designer. He started off in 1993 working at Graphic Research, working alongside the likes of Fumito Tamayama and Yoko Kawashima. In 1996, Masuko and Tamayama left Graphic Research to create their own audio company, Studio Cliche. In 2004, Masuko left Studio Cliche to create his own music business Soundtech, which he still operates to this day. There, he usually works alongside Yusuke Beppu.

In the west, he is perhaps best known for his work on games such as Socket and Speed Racer. However, most of his work was released in Japan, where he is recognized for soundtracks such as AirGrave and RPG Tsukuru DS.

Audio Development


Masuko used the later variant of Graphic Research's custom sound driver. Since the original was by Yasuyuki Hamada, it's possible Tamayama was involved with tweaking the driver.

NES/Game Boy

Masuko used Graphic Research's sound driver, in which music was written in MML.


Released Title Sample Notes
1993-08-17 Socket (GEN) (タイムドミネーター1st) With Yoko Kawashima and Fumito Tamayama.
1993-12-25 Battle Mania Daiginjo (SMD) (バトルマニア大吟醸) With Yoko Kawashima and Fumito Tamayama.
1994-03-18 Derby Jockey: Kishou e no Michi (SFC) (ダービージョッキー 騎手王への道) With Yoko Kawashima and Fumito Tamayama.
1994-04-02 J.League Winning Goal (GB) (Jリーグ ウィニングゴール)
With Yoko Kawashima.
1994-05-27 J.League Winning Goal (FC) (Jリーグ ウィニングゴール)
With Yoko Kawashima.
1994-12-16 Mickey no Tokyo Disneyland Daibouken (SFC) (ミッキーの東京ディズニーランド大冒険) With Yoko Kawashima and Maki Kirioka.
1995-04-21 J.League Live '95 (GB) (Jリーグ ライブ95) With Yoko Kawashima and Maki Kirioka.
1995-07-07 Pachinko Tetsujin (SFC) (パチンコ鉄人 七番勝負) With Yoko Kawashima.
1995-09-29 Derby Jockey 2 (SFC) (ダービージョッキー2) With Yoko Kawashima and Maki Kirioka.
1995-10-06 Shinseiki Odysselya II (SFC) (神聖紀オデッセリアII) With Fumito Tamayama.
1995-??-?? Hotdog Storm (ARC) (ホットドッグストーム) With Yoko Kawashima, Fumito Tamayama.
1996-01-26 Stahlfeder: Tetsukou Hikuuddan (PS1) (シュタールフェーダー) With Fumito Tamayama.
1996-09-27 Speed Racer (PS1) (マッハGoGoGo) With Yoko Kawashima, Maki Kirioka, Kiyomi Tanaka.
1996-11-22 FIST (PS1) With Fumito Tamayama.
1996-11-29 AirGrave (PS1) (エアグレイヴ) With Takuya Hanaoka.
1998-03-01 Choro Q Jet: Rainbow Wings (PS1) (チョロQジェット レインボーウィングス) With Fumito Tamayama.
2000-03-10 Doraemon Memories: Nobita no Omoide Daibouken (GBC) (ドラえもんメモリーズ のび太の想い出大冒険)
2000-12-01 Super Me-Mail GB: Me-Mail Bear no Happy Mail Town – Message Board (GBC) (スーパーミメルGB ミメルベアのハッピーメールタウン) Composer?
2001-09-07 Love Hina Advance: Shukufuku no Kane wa Harukana (GBA) (ラブひなアドバンス 祝福の鐘はなるかな) With Yusuke Beppu.
2001-09-27 Star Hearts: Hoshi to Daichi no Shisha (WSC) (スターハーツ ~星と大地の使者~) With Yusuke Beppu.
2001-??-?? Pop'n Music 7 (PS2) Modern '80.
2002-05-09 Yakitori Musume: Sugo Ude Hanjouki (PS1) (やきとり娘~スゴ腕繁盛記~)
2002-06-20 Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side (PS2) (ときめきメモリアル Girl's Side)
2002-07-25 Kowai Shashin: Shinrei Shashin Kitan (PS1) (コワイシャシン ~心霊写真奇譚~)
2002-09-13 Galaxy Angel: Moridakusan Tenshi no Full-Course - Okawari Jiyuu (GBA) (ギャラクシーエンジェル 盛りだくさん天使のフルコースおかわり自由) With Yusuke Beppu.
2002-11-21 Pop'n Music 7 (PS2) Modern '80.
2003-12-05 Sylvanian Families: Yosei no Stick to Fushigi no Ki - Maron Inu no Onna no Ko (GBA) (シルバニアファミリー 妖精のステッキとふしぎの木 マロンイヌの女の子) Sound with Yusuke Beppu, Hidekazu Hoshino and Sachie Yoshida.
2004-12-02 Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi (PS2) With Yusuke Beppu.
2004-12-02 Kenshuui Tendo Dokuta (NDS) (研修医 天堂独太) With Yusuke Beppu.
2004-12-16 Zoids Saga: Fuzors (GBA) (ゾイドサーガ フューザーズ) With Yusuke Beppu.
2005-10-13 Shirogane no Torikago: The Angels with Strange Wings (PS2) (しろがねの鳥籠:)
2007-03-15 Kurupoto: Cool Cool Stars (NDS) (くるポト) With Hidekazu Hoshino.
2007-11-22 Kouenji Joshi Soccer 2: Koi wa Nebagiba Kouenji (NDS) (高円寺女子サッカー2 ~恋はネバギバ高円寺~)
2008-05-29 Zombie Shiki - Eigo Ryoku Sosei Jutsu: English of the Dead (NDS) (ゾンビ式 英語力蘇生術 ENGLISH OF THE DEAD) With Yusuke Beppu, Yoshimi Masuko, and Masahiro Ito.
2008-06-11 Frogger 2 (X360) (フロッガー2)
2008-07-16 Coffeetime Crosswords (X360)
2008-10-09 Tetsudou Kentei DS (NDS) (鉄道検定DS) With Makoto Asai.
2009-01-29 Namco Museum Essentials (PS3) Xevious Resurrection: Music & Sound Director.
Best Score: Sound Director.
2010-03-11 RPG Tsukuru DS (NDS) (RPGツクールDS) With Yusuke Beppu.
