Shigeichi Ishimura

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Shigeichi Ishimura
Shigeichi Ishimura - 01.jpg
Local 石村 繁一 (いしむら しげいち)
Birth Place Japan
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg

Shigeichi Ishimura is a Japanese game developer who worked at Namco. In 2005, he became Namco's president and CEO.

In the world of video game music, he is best known for doing the sound effects to the arcade game Pac-Man.


Released Title Sample Notes
1979-09-15 Galaxian (ARC) (ギャラクシアン) Sound Effects
1980-05-22 Pac-Man (ARC) (パックマン)
Sound Effects
1982-09-?? Super Pac-Man (ARC) (スーパーパックマン) Sound Effects. Also composed "Game Over" with Toshio Kai.
Arranged by Yuriko Keino.
1983-07-?? Pac-Man & Chomp Chomp (ARC) (パック&パル) Sound Effects.
Arranged by Yuriko Keino.
1984-11-02 Pac-Man (NES) (パックマン)
Arranged by Junko Ozawa.
1987-11-?? Pac-Mania (ARC) (パックマニア) Sound Effects.
Arranged by Junko Ozawa.

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