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DirectMusic Segment
Developer: Microsoft
Header: RIFF
Content: Unknown
Instruments: External
Target Output
Output - Digital Audio.png Output - MIDI.png Output - FM Synthesis - No.png Output - PSG - No.png
Released: 1996-??-??
First Game: ?
  • *.sgt

The DirectMusic Segment is a proprietary file format was created by Microsoft Corporation. These files can be played with DirectMusic API using Microsoft Software Synthesizer or any installed MIDI output device. Since DirectMusic provides DLS support, SGT files often coming with sound banks, thus increasing the fidelity of a song.

SGT files contain playing order and track information. Segment files always come with Style files, because they contain all required melody pattern information.

Segment files has some improvements in comparison with MIDI or RMI, for example:

  • External DLS sound bank support (more than one)
  • Pattern randomization (each time you play a song, it can sound different)







SGT to ?

  • libdmusic - Linux, Windows 32, Windows 64 - WAV
  • sgt2wav can also be used to extract music to WAV (need someone to compile an EXE) however this may be missing DLS instruments to give the unique sound

? to SGT


Released Title Sample
1999-02-03 DirectX Diagnostic Tool (W32)
1999-12-07 Wild Wild West: The Steel Assassin (W32)
2000-01-25 Final Fantasy VIII (W32)
2000-05-01 LEGOLAND (W32)
2000-07-18 KISS: Psycho Circus - The Nightmare Child (W32)
2000-09-22 Midtown Madness 2 (W32)
2000-09-26 Sanity: Aiken's Artifact (W32)
2000-11-09 No One Lives Forever (W32)
2000-11-19 Hitman: Codename 47 (W32)
2001-01-31 Elite Forces: WWII Normandy (W32)
2001-03-30 LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge (W32)
2001-10-14 WWII: Iwo Jima (W32)
2001-11-06 Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (XBOX)
2001-11-13 Empire Earth (W32)
2001-11-15 Gothic (W32)
2001-11-22 Aliens vs. Predator 2 (W32)
2002-03-22 Worms Blast (W32)
2002-04-22 Die Hard: Nakatomi Plaza (W32)
2002-08-13 Aliens vs. Predator 2: Primal Hunt (W32)
2002-08-26 Arthur's Quest: Battle for the Kingdom (W32)
2002-09-30 No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way (W32)
2002-11-29 Gothic II (W32)
2002-??-?? Click & Create With Mia: A Complete Creativity Studio (W32)
2002-??-?? Halcyon Sun (W32)
2003-03-03 Shutokou Battle Online (W32) (首都高バトルONLINE)
2003-08-18 Donuts 4: Revenge of the Space Torus (W32)
2003-08-22 Gothic II: Night of the Raven (W32)
2003-08-26 Tron 2.0 (W32)
2003-11-11 Contract J.A.C.K. (W32)
2003-11-21 Empires: Dawn of the Modern World (W32)
2004-07-13 Mob Enforcer (W32)
2004-09-06 Medieval Conquest (W32)
2005-04-28 American Civil War Gettysburg (W32)
2005-06-27 La-Mulana (W32)
2010-??-?? Marine Aquarium 3 (W32)


All SGT files use RIFF tree structure, and the identifier is DMSG.

RIFF Tree Structure

File Root
└─ RIFF:DMSG         - DirectMusic Segment header
   ├─ segh           - Segment header
   ├─ LIST:sgdl      - Segment data list
   │  └─ segd        - Segment data
   ├─ vers           - Version info
   ├─ LIST:UNFO      - Information container (Unicode)
   │  ├─ INAM        - Name / Title
   │  ├─ IART        - Artist
   │  └─ ...
   └─ LIST:trkl      - Track list
      ├─ RIFF:DMTK   - Track #1
      │  ├─ trkh     - Track header (specifies track type and next chunk name)
      │  └─ ????     - Track data (can be single chunk, LIST or RIFF branch)
      ├─ RIFF:DMTK   - Track #2
      │  └─ ...
      └─ ...
