Passion Play

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Passion Play
Output - Roland.svg
Output - OPL2.svg
Ultima 7 - DOS - Passion Play.png
Composer Dana Glover
Arranger Dana Glover
Programmer Herman Miller
Released 1992-04-16
Length 0:58.58
BPM 100
Format MIDI.png
Game Ultima VII: The Black Gate (DOS)
Title Origin Official
Loops No

Passion Play is first heard when the Avatar encounters a troop of performers outside of Trinsic. Your comrades will criticize the trio as they poorly act out the "passion" of Batlin and the importance of the Fellowship, a sinister religious cult recently founded in Britannia. The song also plays in the Royal Theatre in Britain and the Library of Scars in Jhelom.

The song has a string melody with woodwind harmony and percussion accompaniment.

This song is track 28 in the game's data files.


Passion Play is not one of the five songs named in the credits, and the game's music files are left untitled. Thankfully, the song was released on the Origin Soundtrack Series, Vol. 2 album which gives it an official title. The song is part 3 of track 4, after Chamber Music and Love Theme.
