Pac-Man Game Sound Effects

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Pac-Man Game Sound Effects
Pac-Man Game Sound Effects.jpg
Released 2009-09-01 (Namco Sounds)
2024-05-22 (Bandai Namco Game Music)
Publisher Namco Sounds
Bandai Namco Game Music
Country World   World.svg
Catalog NBGI-0001 (Namco Sounds)
Games Pac-Man (ARC)

Pac-Man Game Sound Effects (パックマン (ゲーム・サウンド・エフェクト)) is a digital soundtrack containing music and sound effects from Pac-Man (ARC).

Its contents would eventually be included in Join the Pac - Pac-Man 40th Anniversary Album. It was rereleased in 2024 as Pac-Man (Game Sound Effect) Original Soundtrack.


The album's Japanese name (パックマン (ゲーム・サウンド・エフェクト)) is near identical to its English name, with the only difference being that "Game Sound Effect" is placed within parentheses.
The most recent version of the album, Pac-Man (Game Sound Effect) Original Soundtrack, was released exclusively in English, so it does not have a Japanese name.


The original album contained 16 tracks in total. The 2024 rerelease added an additional track from Join the Pac. All Japanese track names come from the original release as the rerelease is available in English only.

Pac-Man Game Sound Effects

# Title Composer Arranger Length
01 Credit Sound (クレジットサウンド) Shigeichi Ishimura Shigeichi Ishimura 0:01
02 Start Music (スタートミュージック) Toshio Kai Toshio Kai 0:05
03 Pac-Man: Eating Cookie (パックマン:クッキーを食べる) Shigeichi Ishimura Shigeichi Ishimura 0:11
04 Extend Sound (エクステンドサウンド) Shigeichi Ishimura Shigeichi Ishimura 0:02
05 Ghost: Normal Move (ゴースト:平常移動) Shigeichi Ishimura Shigeichi Ishimura 0:10
06 Ghost: Spurt Move #1 (ゴースト:スパート移動その1) Shigeichi Ishimura Shigeichi Ishimura 0:10
07 Ghost: Spurt Move #2 (ゴースト:スパート移動その2) Shigeichi Ishimura Shigeichi Ishimura 0:10
08 Ghost: Spurt Move #3 (ゴースト:スパート移動その3) Shigeichi Ishimura Shigeichi Ishimura 0:10
09 Ghost: Spurt Move #4 (ゴースト:スパート移動その4) Shigeichi Ishimura Shigeichi Ishimura 0:10
10 Pac-Man: Eating Fruit (パックマン:フルーツを食べる) Shigeichi Ishimura Shigeichi Ishimura 0:01
11 Ghost: Turn to Blue (ゴースト:いじけ) Shigeichi Ishimura Shigeichi Ishimura 0:10
12 Pac-Man: Eating Ghost (パックマン:ゴーストを食べる) Shigeichi Ishimura Shigeichi Ishimura 0:01
13 Ghost: Return to Home (ゴースト:巣に戻る) Shigeichi Ishimura Shigeichi Ishimura 0:11
14 Miss (ミス) Shigeichi Ishimura Shigeichi Ishimura 0:03
15 Coffee Break Music (コーヒーブレイクミュージック) Toshio Kai Toshio Kai 0:12
16 Game Play (ゲームプレイ) Toshio Kai, Shigeichi Ishimura Toshio Kai, Shigeichi Ishimura 2:00

Pac-Man (Game Sound Effect) Original Soundtrack

# Title Composer Arranger Length
04 Pac-Man: Turning the Corner While Eating the Pac-dots Shigeichi Ishimura Shigeichi Ishimura 0:04


The 2024 rerelease renames four tracks:
  • "Pac-Man: Eating Cookie" becomes "Pac-Man: Eating the Pac-dots".
  • "Pac-Man: Eating Fruit" becomes "Pac-Man: Eating the Fruit".
  • "Pac-Man: Eating Ghost" becomes "Pac-Man: Eating the Ghost".
  • "Miss" is now "Fail".
All of these changes are carried over from Join the Pac - Pac-Man 40th Anniversary Album.

