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Developer: Norbert Schmidt, Jochen Heß
Header: Custom
Content: Notational
Instruments: Internal
Target Output
Output - Digital Audio.png Output - MIDI - No.png Output - FM Synthesis.png Output - PSG - No.png
Released: 1994
First Game: Bi-Fi Roll - Action in Hollywood (DOS)
  • *.p2l

P2L is a compressed archive format supported by PSM 2.00 Soundsystem.




Released Title Sample
1994-0?-?? Bi-Fi Roll - Action in Hollywood (DOS)
1994-12-07 Dunkle Schatten (DOS)
1994-??-?? Captain Zins (DOS)
1995-0?-?? Atlas (DOS)
1995-0?-?? Skyworker (DOS)
1995-0?-?? Wissoll-Circus-Trophy (DOS)

How to Obtain

P2L files usually are left as is, although they're sometimes renamed to DAT.


All P2L files begin with "PSMLST PSM 2.00" and 0.

P2L supports unnamed SMP (Palladix), PMA and PMM files only.

The format of PMM files within P2L files is slightly different from stand-alone PMM files. The PMA and SMP files are no longer embedded in the respective PMM files, but directly in the P2L file, and the addresses of the PMA and SMP files within the PMM files are replaced by indices within the P2L file.