Orchestral II

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Orchestral II
Output - Roland.svg
Output - OPL2.svg
Composer Dana Glover
Arranger Dana Glover
Programmer Herman Miller
Released 1992-04-16
Length 0:07.74
BPM 135
Format MIDI.png
Game Ultima VII: The Black Gate (DOS)
Title Origin Game Location
Loops No

Orchestral II is a short orchestral tune that went unused in Ultima VII: The Black Gate (DOS). The song is included in the Origin Soundtrack Series, Vol. 2 as part of the combat music medley of track 1. It is also surrounded by combat music files in the game's data, so the song was most likely meant to be used during combat, however, the game never plays it.

This song is track 14 in the game's data files.
