OK, We'll Move |
Composer |
Junko Tamiya |
Released |
1988-07-20 |
Title Origin |
Official |
Loops |
Yes |
While you're on the over world map, you will hear the OK, We'll Move track. The tune is short and repetitive, but is only heard for a few seconds at a time. This song is included on the soundtrack album. It was named by the album's designer, Simon Wiklund, obviously after the message you receive when moving around.
Bionic Commando (NES)
This is the original version of the song, it is track 5 in the NSF file.
In the 8-bit soundtrack liner notes, Jeffery King writes:
This short loop features a quick-temp melody that descends slowly. The eerie bass jumps around as well, adding to the frantic pace. This song is ingrained into my head from hours deciding which area to TRANSFER to before DESCENDing... and then not having enough power.
Bionic Commando: Rearmed (W32)
The song was completely remixed for Rearmed.