Norie Aoki

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Norie Aoki
Local 青木 のりえ (あおき のりえ)
Birth Place
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg
Aliases Norie

Norie Aoki is a Japanese composer and sound designer who worked for Video System from around 1993 to 1997. She usually worked with Hiroyuki Ito on sound design.


Released Title Sample Notes
1993-04-16 The Mahjong Touhaiden (SFC) (The麻雀・闘牌伝) With Soshi Hosoi, Masami Yamana, and Hiroyuki Ito.
1993-??-?? Lethal Crash Race (ARC) (爆烈クラッシュレース) Sound Effects with Hiroyuki Ito.
1994-08-26 Aero Fighters 2 (NG) (ソニックウィングス2) With Soshi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Ito, Tarako, and Hira.
1994-10-19 Power Spikes II (ARC) (パワースパイクスII) Sound: SE
1995-11-17 Aero Fighters 3 (NG) (ソニックウィングス3) With Soshi Hosoi and Hiroyuki Ito.
1995-??-?? Aero Fighters 3 (ARC) (ソニックウィングス3) With Soshi Hosoi and Hiroyuki Ito.
1996-07-05 Sonic Wings Special (SAT) (ソニックウィングス・スペシャル) Sound Effects with Hiroyuki Ito.
1997-??-?? Pop 'n Bounce (ARC) (ガッポリン) Sound Effect [sic] with Hiroyuki Ito.
