Nick Scarim

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Nicholas Scarim
Born Unknown
Birth Place Unknown
Nationality American   USA.svg
Aliases Nicholas Scarim

Nick Scarim is an American composer who used to work for RSP as their main music composer. His best known work was for the Spy Vs Spy games, and while they were short tunes, they were very memorable and nostalgic to those who played the game. While Scarim no longer composes music for games, he currently performs as a guitarist in the New York rock band Vintage6. Aside from rock music, he also has his own website for his classical music and has written a book called 'The Music Toolbox' that teaches kids and young composers how to write their own music.


Released Title Sample Notes
1984-??-?? Spy Vs Spy (C64)
Arranged by Mike Riedel.
1985-??-?? Spy Vs Spy (CPC) Arranged by Mike Riedel.
1985-??-?? Spy Vs Spy (ZXS) Arranged by Mike Riedel.
1985-??-?? Spy Vs Spy: The Island Caper (C64) Arranged by Mike Riedel.
1986-04-26 Spy Vs Spy (NES)
Arranged by Hiroyuki Masuno.
1987-03-27 Nankoku Shirei: Spy Vs. Spy (FC) (南国指令!!) Arranged by Hiroyuki Masuno.
1988-??-?? Rockford (C64)
1988-??-?? Rockford (CPC)
1989-??-?? Rockford (DOS)
1989-??-?? Spy Vs Spy (AMI)
1989-??-?? Spy Vs Spy (ST)
1990-03-?? Win, Lose Or Draw (NES)
1990-05-?? MTV: Remote Control (NES)
Arranged Steve Trecasse's Remote Control Theme.
1990-10-?? Sesame Street: Big Bird's Hide and Speak (NES)
Arranged Joe Raposo's Sesame Street Theme.

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