Minstrel is heard when you happen upon the wandering minstrel as he's playing his lute. William Goldstein purposely composed the lute solo to sound as though an amateur were playing it, so it is off-key and doesn't keep tempo.
King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella (DOS)
Five different types of output were designed for the DOS release, each output corresponds to a different group of devices, the Roland, Yamaha, OPL2, 3 Voice, and PC Speaker.
The MT-32 output is especially interesting, not just for the superior sound, but because the song ends with a terrible fret slide showcasing how bad the Minstrel is at playing.
The file is sound.016 in the resource files, and does not loop.
King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella (AMI)
The Amiga port plays the song on the built-in 8364 audio chip.
King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella (AST)
The Atari ST port included at least two types of output, one for Roland devices and one for the system's built-in YM2149 audio chip. Since the Roland output is the same as the DOS release, it will not be recorded.
Other Ports
It is unknown if the Apple II or Apple II GS ports have this song.