Michihiro Nishikawa

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Michihiro Nishikawa
Michihiro Nishikawa - 1.jpg
Local 西川 道博 (にしかわ みちひろ)
Born 1961-02-17
Birth Place Japan
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg
Aliases にしかわ ももこ みちひろ エッチだいおう (Nishikawa Momoko Michihiro Etchdaou)
Website barretts.jp

Michihiro Nishikawa' is a Japanese musician. He scored the music to a couple games by Graphic Research.

In the Meimon! game, he was credited with an alias without his knowledge. Momoko is his wife's name, and Etchdaou means the Great King of Eros.

He now goes by the name Dorutan (どるたん).

Music Composition

Michihiro composed his Famicom music on the keyboard and guitar and later rewrote it in assembly using a sound driver by Yasuyuki Hamada.


Released Title Sample Notes
1988-09-21 Kujaku Ou (FC) (孔雀王) Arranged Takeshi Yasuda's music with Tetsuya Kidokoro.
1989-12-01 Meimon! Takonishi Ouendan: Kouha 6 Nin Shuu (FC) (名門!多古西応援団)

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