Masanori Adachi

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Masanori Adachi
Masanori Adachi - 01.jpg
Local 安達 昌宣 (あだち まさのり)
Born 1959-05-25
Birth Place Suita, Osaka, Japan
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg
Aliases M. C. Ada, Nanda Adachi, Adachi

Masanori Adachi is a Japanese composer and sound designer, known for his work with Konami. He later worked for Vanpool, which sometimes worked with Konami.

He is known for arranging the stage two boss theme (Cosmic Dance) in Axelay.


Released Title Sample Notes
1987-04-10 Green Beret (FDS) (グリーンベレー) With Shinya Sakamoto, Iku Mizutani, and Satoe Terashima.
1987-04-?? Rush'n Attack (NES)
1987-07-?? Battlantis (ARC) (バトランティス) With Shigeru Fukutake, Tsutomu Ogura, and Kenichi Matsubara.
1990-??-?? Aliens (ARC)
1991-??-?? Super Castlevania IV (SNES) (悪魔城ドラキュラ)
With Akira Soji and Taro Kudo.
1992-02-28 Contra III: The Alien Wars (SNES) (魂斗羅スピリッツ) With Miki Higashino, Tappi Iwase, and Aki Hata.
1992-09-11 Axelay (SNES) (アクスレイ)
1993-07-16 Mouryou Senki Madara 2 (SFC) (魍魎戦記 MADARA 2) Konami Kukeiha Club: Sound Production
1993-08-05 Rocket Knight Adventures (SNES) (ロケットナイトアドベンチャーズ) With Masanori Ohuchi, Aki Hata, Hiroshi Kobayashi, and Michiru Yamane.
1993-12-02 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters (GEN) (ティーンエイジミュータントニンジャタートルズ トーナメントファイターズ) Sound Treatment
1994-03-04 Double Dribble: The Playoff Edition (GEN) (ハイパー ダンク ザ プレイオフ エディション) With Miki Higashino.
1994-11-30 Snatcher (SCD) (スナッチャー) With Keizo Nakamura, Kazuhito Imai, Masanori Ohuchi, and Akira Yamaoka.
1996-01-?? Goal Storm (PS1) (ワールドサッカー ウイニングイレブン) Mixing Engineer with Kazuhito Imai.
1996-02-16 Snatcher (PS1) (スナッチャー) Sound Mixer
1996-05-31 International Track & Field (PS1) (ハイパーオリンピックインアトランタ) Sound Treatment
1997-10-16 Moon: Remix RPG Adventure (PS1) Sound Design
1999-06-24 UFO: A Day in the Life (PS1)
2001-05-31 Endonesia (PS2) (エンドネシア) With Hirofumi Taniguchi.
2005-03-03 Red Ninja: End of Honor (PS2) (紅忍 〜血河の舞〜)
2006-09-02 Freshly-Picked: Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland (NDS) (もぎたてチンクルのばら色ルッピーランド)
2007-07-05 Let's Yoga (NDS) (どこでもヨガ) With Tomoko Sano, Kinglet, Nick James, Masaki Ohshima, and Sayuri Ono.
2007-10-?? I Wanna Be the Guy: The Movie: The Game (W32)
2008-11-13 Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times (NDS) (とんがりボウシと魔法の365にち) Music: Vanpool Inc. with various others.
2009-04-22 Little King's Story (NDS) (王様物語) SE Designer and Henteko Voice Treatment
2009-05-26 3 Degrees Celcius (WII) With Tomoko Sano and Kiyoshi Hazemoto.
2009-08-06 Irodzuki Tincle no Koi no Balloon Trip (NDS) (いろづきチンクルの恋のバルーントリップ) With Tomoko Sano and Kiyoshi Hazemoto.
2010-02-13 Stickvania (WEB)
2011-06-13 Wii Play: Motion (WII) (Wiiリモコンプラス バラエティパック) With Tomoko Sano.
2012-01-11 Abobo's Big Adventure (WEB)
2012-02-22 Dillon's Rolling Western (3DS) (ザ・ローリング・ウエスタン) Sound Effects with Tomoko Sano.
2012-11-11 Paper Mario: Sticker Star (3DS) (ペーパーマリオ スーパーシール) With various others.
2019-10-10 moon (SW)
