Magic Tricks

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Magic Tricks
Output - Roland.svg
Output - OPL2.svg
Ultima 7 - DOS - Magic Tricks.png
Composer Dana Glover
Arranger Dana Glover
Programmer Herman Miller
Released 1992-04-16
Length 0:49.00
BPM 100
Format MIDI.png
Game Ultima VII: The Black Gate (DOS)
Title Origin Game Location
Loops No

Magic Tricks plays in Ultima VII: The Black Gate (DOS) when you're in the abode of a magic user or at the Orrery in Moonglow. In the game's story, magic has become very unreliable for an unknown reason, and most wizards have become senile. The song uses high-pitch chimes with staccato bass woodwind. The song is also played at the oratory in Moonglow.

This song is track 33 in the game's data files.

Ultima 7 - DOS - Orrery.png
