Keisuke Tsukahara
From Video Game Music Preservation Foundation Wiki
Revision as of 20:28, 30 September 2022 by Doommaster1994 (talk | contribs)
Keisuke Tsukahara is a Japanese composer and sound designer. He joined Sega around 1988 and composed primarily for their home console video games. After the Dreamcast, Tsukahara continued to work with Sega on their arcade and home console games. It appears he left Sega around 2018.
Released | Title | Sample | Notes |
1988-12-01 | Cyborg Hunter (SMS) (超音戦士ボーグマン) | With Kazuhiko Nagai. | |
1989-??-?? | Galaxy Force (SMS) | ||
1990-12-01 | Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi (GEN) (シャドー・ダンサー ザ・シークレット・オブ・シノビ) | ||
1990-??-?? | The Cyber Shinobi (SMS) | With "Shiriko Dama". | |
1990-??-?? | Shadow Dancer (SMS) | ||
1991-??-?? | Pyramid Magic III (GEN) | With Chikako Kamatani, Naofumi Hataya, and Kazuhiko Nagai. | |
1993-11-12 | Dark Wizard (SCD) (ダーク・ウィザード 蘇りし闇の魔導士) | Game Part: Music Composer with Sachio Ogawa, Izuho Takeuchi, Masaru Setsumaru, Yoshimi Hishida, and Shouko Ogawa. | |
2000-07-26 | 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (ARC) (エイティーン・ホイーラー) | With Tatsutoshi Narita. | |
2000-08-03 | F355 Challenge: Passione Rossa (DC) (F355チャレンジ) | Sound with various others. | |
2000-10-12 | 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (DC) (エイティーン・ホイーラー) | With Tomoya Koga. | |
2001-11-14 | 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (PS2) (エイティーン・ホイーラー) | With Tomoya Koga. | |
2002-02-18 | 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (GC) (エイティーン・ホイーラー) | With Tomoya Koga. | |
2002-07-11 | Aero Elite: Combat Academy (PS2) (エアロダンシング4 ニュージェネレーション) | With Fumio Ito, Seiichi Hamada, and Osamu Murata. | |
2002-08-?? | Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution (ARC) (バーチャファイター4 エボリューション) | With Fumio Ito, Shinichi Goto, Sachio Ogawa, Naoyuki Machida, Yasuhiro Takagi, and Tatsutoshi Narita. | |
2002-10-29 | Shenmue II (PS2) (シェンムーII) | Xbox Version Sound and Music: Voice Editor with Hideaki Miyamoto and Seiichi Hamada. | |
2008-02-10 | Sega Race TV (ARC) (セガ-レースティービー) | With Tatsutoshi Narita, Fumio Ito, Tomoya Koga, Kazuki Takagi, and Yasuyuki Nagata. | |
2010-04-21 | After Burner Climax (PS3) (アフターバーナークライマックス) | With Tatsutoshi Narita, Fumio Ito, Masanori Takeuchi, Yasuhiro Takagi, and Tomoya Koga. | |
2010-04-21 | After Burner Climax (X360) (アフターバーナークライマックス) | With Tatsutoshi Narita, Fumio Ito, Masanori Takeuchi, Yasuhiro Takagi, and Tomoya Koga. | |
2010-??-?? | Let's Go Island: Lost on the Island of Tropics (ARC) (レッツゴーアイランド) | Sound Director | |
2011-06-24 | Virtua Tennis 4 (W64) | With various others. | |
2011-10-25 | Daytona USA (PS3) | Sega Racing Classic Staff: Sound Designer with Tatsutoshi Narita, Fumio Ito, Tomoya Koga, Seiichi Hamada, Kazuki Takagi, and Yasuyuki Nagata. | |
2013-03-07 | Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F (PS3) | With various others. | |
2018-02-22 | Soul Reverse (ARC) | Sound Staff: Sound Designer with various others. |
Picture Gallery
Staff photo from Galaxy Force (SMS).