Joel Simmons

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Joel Simmons
Birth Place
Nationality American   USA.svg

Joel Simmons is an American composer, sound designer, and sound programmer. He is most likely related to Jim Simmons because of the amount of games they worked on together.


Released Title Sample
1993-??-?? Bill Walsh College Football (GEN)
1993-??-?? Bill Walsh College Football '95 (GEN)
1994-??-?? Madden NFL 94 (GEN) (NFLフットボール’94)
1994-??-?? Madden NFL 95 (GEN)
1995-??-?? College Football USA 96 (GEN)
1996-??-?? College Football USA 97 (GEN)
1996-??-?? FIFA Soccer 97 (GEN)
1997-??-?? Madden NFL 97 (GEN)
2002-01-13 NBA Courtside 2002 (GC) (NBAコートサイド2002)
2002-12-02 NCAA College Basketball 2K3 (PS2)
2003-09-09 ESPN NHL Hockey (PS2)
2004-08-30 ESPN NHL 2K5 (PS2)
2005-11-16 NHL 2K6 (X360)
2011-10-04 NBA 2K12 (X360)
