Hiroyuki Itou

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Hiroyuki Itou
Local 伊藤 博之 (いとう ひろゆき)
Birth Place
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg
Aliases Pirowo, P

Hiroyuki Itou is a Japanese sound composer and programmer who worked for Video System from around 1993 to 1997. He was usually credited for sound effects along with Norie Aoki.


Released Title Sample Notes
1993-04-16 The Mahjong Touhaiden (SFC) (The麻雀・闘牌伝) With Soshi Hosoi, Masami Yamana, and Norie Aoki.
1993-??-?? Lethal Crash Race (ARC) (爆烈クラッシュレース) Sound Effects with Norie Aoki.
1994-08-26 Aero Fighters 2 (NG) (ソニックウィングス2) With Soshi Hosoi, Norie Aoki, Tarako, and Hira.
1995-11-17 Aero Fighters 3 (NG) (ソニックウィングス3) With Soshi Hosoi and Norie Aoki.
1995-??-?? Aero Fighters 3 (ARC) (ソニックウィングス3) With Soshi Hosoi and Norie Aoki.
1995-??-?? Taisen Idol Mahjong Final Romance 2 (ARC) (対戦アイドル麻雀 ファイナルロマンス2) Sound Effect [sic]
1996-07-05 Sonic Wings Special (SAT) (ソニックウィングス・スペシャル) Sound Designer with Norie Aoki.
1997-??-?? Pop 'n Bounce (ARC) (ガッポリン) Sound Effect [sic] with Norie Aoki.
