Hiroshi Senba

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Hiroshi Senba
Local 船場 洋志 (せんば ひろし)
Gender Male
Birth Place Japan
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg
Aliases Amigo
Amigo Funaba
Hiroshi Semba

Hiroshi Senba (also known as Hiroshi Funaba) is a Japanese composer and sound designer. He started working for Nihon Bussan around 1987 as a game designer. However, after he did the audio for Booby Kids, he was transferred to the sound department. He started out primarily composing for the company's adult mahjong games. In the early '90s, he moved onto PC Engine CD games, and a few PlayStation games before leaving the company in 1997.


Released Title Sample Notes
1987-??-?? Booby Kids (ARC) (キッドのホレホレ大作戦) Booby Woogie
1990-??-?? Mahjong Chinmoku No Hentai (ARC) (麻雀 沈黙の編隊)
1990-??-?? Mahjong Panic Stadium (ARC) (麻雀 ぱにっくスタジアム)
1990-??-?? Mahjong Triple Wars 2 (ARC) (麻雀 トリプルウォーズ2)
1991-11-29 Fighting Run (PCE) (ファイティングラン)
1992-??-?? Mahjong Koi No Magic Potion (ARC) (麻雀 恋のマジックポーション)
1993-12-10 Iga Ninden Gaou (PCCD) (伊賀忍伝 凱王)
1994-08-01 Seisenshi Denshou: Jantaku no Kishi (PCCD) (聖戦士伝承・雀卓の騎士)
1994-09-16 Sexy Idol Mahjong: Fashion Monogatari (PCCD) (セクシーアイドルまーじゃん ファッション物語)
1995-07-14 Kouryaku Casino Bar (SFC) (攻略カジノバー)
1996-02-23 Hyper Crazy Climber (PS1) (ハイパークレイジークライマー)
1996-05-31 Expert (PS1) (エキスパート)
1996-??-?? Nyanpai (ARC) (娘牌)
1997-04-18 Hashiriya: Ookami Tachi no Densetsu (PS1) (HASHIRIYA 狼たちの伝説)
