Danny Pelfrey

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Danny Pelfrey
Danny Pelfrey.jpg
Gender Male
Born Unknown
Birth Place Unknown
Nationality American   USA.svg
Website dannypelfrey.com

Danny Pelfrey is an American composer, arranger and producer. He composed over 50 interactive game titles including the Star Trek series for Activision.


Released Title Sample Notes
1994-10-?? Out of the Sun (MAC)
1995-0?-?? World of Aden: Thunderscape (DOS) With Rick Rhodes.
1995-09-10 Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall (W16) Musical Composition and Performance with Rick Rhodes.
1995-11-20 Great Naval Battles Vol. IV: Burning Steel, 1939-1942 (DOS) With Rick Rhodes.
1995-??-?? Steel Panthers (DOS) Musical Composition and Performance with Rick Rhodes.
1996-03-11 Fantasy General (W16) With Rick Rhodes.
1996-08-26 Fantasy General (DOS) With Rick Rhodes.
1996-09-30 Allied General (PS1) With Rick Rhodes.
1996-10-04 Pajama Sam: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside (W16) With Rick Rhodes and Jeremy Soule.
1996-11-01 Steel Panthers II: Modern Battles (DOS) Music Director with Rick Rhodes.
1996-12-06 Star General (DOS) With Rick Rhodes.
1996-??-?? Camp Make-O-Wacky (DOS) With Rick Rhodes.
1997-07-16 Pacific General (W32) Japanese Music with Rick Rhodes.
1997-09-03 Imperialism (W32) With Rick Rhodes.
1998-03-26 Dark Reign: Rise of the Shadowhand (W32)
2000-03-27 Star Trek: Armada (W32)
2000-09-15 Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force (W32) Additional Music and Theme.
2000-??-?? Steel Panthers: World at War (W32) With Derek Boain and Rick Rhodes.
2001-03-20 Star Trek: Away Team (W32)
2001-11-19 Star Trek: Armada II (W32)
2001-12-11 Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force (PS2) Additional Music and Theme.
2002-02-28 Star Trek: Bridge Commander (W32)
2002-11-21 Star Trek: Starfleet Command III (W32)
2003-06-20 Star Trek: Elite Force II (W32) Additional Music and Theme.

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