Chiaki Katō

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Chiaki Katō
Chiaki Kato - 1.jpg
Local 加藤 千晶 (かと ちあき)
Born 1967-03-21
Birth Place Aichi
Nationality Japanese   Japan.svg
Aliases ちあちあ, Chia Chia, Chiaki

Chiaki Katō is a Japanese musician who was briefly at Sunsoft. Working on games marked a low point in her life and shortly after she moved from Nagoya to Tokyo, where she made her album debut and became a musician in earnest.

Katō recalls working on "about 20" games throughout her career, although she adds that she hasn't exactly been keeping track.


Released Title Sample Notes
1994-12-22 Albert Odyssey 2 (SFC) (アルバートオデッセイ2) Sound Programmer
1995-01-24 Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors (ARC) (ギャラクシーファイト ユニバーサル・ウォーリアーズ) Voice Actor
1995-05-26 Hebereke's Popoitto (PS1) (へべれけスてーショんポポイっと) Sound Team
1995-10-13 Game no Tetsujin: The Shanghai (PS1) (ゲームの鉄人THE上海) Sound Team
1995-10-23 Game no Tetsujin: The Shanghai (SFC) (ゲームの鉄人THE上海) Sound Team
1995-11-02 Hissatsu Pachinko Collection 3 (SFC) (必殺パチンココレクション3) Sound
1995-11-22 Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors (SS) (ギャラクシーファイト ユニバーサル・ウォーリアーズ) Sound Staff
1996-04-26 Bakuretsu Hunter (SS) (爆れつハンター) Sound Designer
1997-08-08 Bakuretsu Hunter R (SS) (爆れつハンターR) Sound Designer
1997-12-11 Michinoku Hitou Koi Monogatari Special (SS) (みちのく秘湯恋物語 スペシャル) Sound
1999-09-23 Kawaii Pet Shop Monogatari (GBC) (かわいいペットショップ物語) Composer
2001-11-29 Abarenbou Princess (PS2) (暴れん坊プリンセス) Sound Production
