Category:Songs With NES Output
From Video Game Music Preservation Foundation Wiki
Songs in this category can be played on the APU of the RP2A03.
Pages in category "Songs With NES Output"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,110 total.
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- 2 Player A - Tetris 2 (NES)
- 2 Player B - Tetris 2 (NES)
- 2 Player C - Tetris 2 (NES)
- 2 Player ~ Congratulations - Tetris 2 (NES)
- 2 Player ~ End of Game - Tetris 2 (NES)
- 2 Player ~ End of Round - Tetris 2 (NES)
- 2 Player ~ Fanfare 1 - Tetris 2 (NES)
- 2 Player ~ Fanfare 2 - Tetris 2 (NES)
- 2nd-3rd Place BGM - Family Circuit (FC)
- A Peaceful Town
- Above Ground BGM - Super Mario Bros.
- Above Ground BGM - Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES)
- Above Ground BGM - Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES)
- Aerial Race
- African Mines
- Air Fortress Exterior - Air Fortress (NES)
- Air Fortress Interior - Air Fortress (NES)
- Aircraft Carrier
- Airman Stage
- Airship
- Airwolf Main Theme
- Albatross
- Alien's Lair
- All Clear - The Goonies (FC)
- All Items
- All Stage Clear - Mega Man (NES)
- All Stage Clear - Mega Man II (NES)
- All Stage Clear - Mega Man III (NES)
- All Together Now
- Altars
- America Bye Bye - Rally Bike (ARC)
- Amongst Allies
- Annen-Polka
- Anxiety
- Approach - Guerrilla War (NES)
- Aquarius
- Arctic Main BGM - Arctic
- Are You Ready? - Battleship (GB)
- Area 1 - Blaster Master (NES)
- Area 2
- Area 3
- Area 4
- Area 5
- Area 6
- Area 7
- Area 8
- Area Clear - Code Name: Viper (NES)
- Areas 1 and 2
- Areas 3 and 4
- Areas 5 and 6
- Areas 7 and 8
- Arena Battle/Shooting Range - Hillsfar (PC98)
- Argool Saved
- As the World Falls Down
- Awaken
- Background Music - Rampage (NES)
- Ballad
- Balloon - Ultima: Quest of the Avatar (NES)
- Bard
- Basement - Home Alone (NES)
- Basement - The Goonies II (NES)
- Bases
- Battle - Might and Magic: Secret of the Inner Sanctum (NES)
- Battle Begins - Pool of Radiance (NES)
- Battle BGM
- Battle Scene
- Beginner Race
- Beginning
- Bert's Theme
- Between Castles - Castelian (NES)
- Big Battle
- Bionic Commando Theme
- Blackjack - Vegas Dream (NES)
- Blobolonia
- Bloody Tears
- Blue Puzzle - Anticipation (NES)
- Bomb the Door
- Bombliss: Puzzle - Tetris 2 + Bombliss (FC)
- Bombman Stage
- Bonus Game - The Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout (NES)
- Bonus Game ~ 3 In Line - The Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout (NES)
- Bonus Game ~ 4 In Line - The Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout (NES)
- Bonus Game ~ Perfect - The Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout (NES)
- Bonus Game ~ Sorry No Bonus - The Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout (NES)
- Bonus Start
- Boss - A Nightmare on Elm Street (NES)
- Boss - Batman (NES)
- Boss - Burai Fighter (NES)
- Boss - Contra
- Boss - Heroes of the Lance (NES)
- Boss - Kid Icarus: Angel Land Story (NES)
- Boss - Little Nemo: The Dream Master (NES)
- Boss - Mega Man (NES)
- Boss - Mega Man II (NES)
- Boss - Mega Man III (NES)
- Boss - Moeru! Oniisan (FC)
- Boss - Section-Z (NES)
- Boss - Starship Hector (NES)
- Boss - Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES)
- Boss - The Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout (NES)
- Boss - The Rocketeer (NES)
- Boss - Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (NES)
- Boss Battle - DuckTales
- Boss Battle - Mickey Mousecapade
- Boss Defeated - Asmik-Kun Land (FC)
- Boss Defeated - Moeru! Oniisan (FC)
- Boss Dialogue
- Boss Fight
- Boss Intro
- Boss Music 1 - Blaster Master (NES)
- Boss Music 1 - Guerrilla War (NES)
- Boss Music 2 - Blaster Master (NES)
- Boss Music 2 - Guerrilla War (NES)
- Boss Music 3
- Boxing
- Bradinsky
- Brinstar (Rock Stage)
- Britannia
- Bubbleman Stage
- Bugler's Dream
- Building - Dick Tracy (NES)
- Burn the Wind
- Can-Can
- Canon In D Major
- Cantina
- Carotta - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (NES)
- Castle - Labyrinth: Maze of the Goblin King (FC)
- Castles
- Catch Treasure Fanfare
- Catch Triforce Fanfare
- Cave - Uninvited (NES)
- Cavern
- Caverns - The Goonies II (NES)
- Challenger - Vegas Dream (NES)
- Chamber Music - Times of Lore (NES)
- Change Areas
- Changing Keys
- Chaos Dragon - Sansara Naga (FC)
- Chaos Temple
- Chapter Start - The Rocketeer (NES)
- Character Selection - Times of Lore
- Charge (cavalry)
- Charge (sports)
- Chateau Ladutorm
- Chilly Down
- Church - Uninvited (NES)
- Cities
- City / Capital
- City Hall - Pool of Radiance (NES)
- Clear
- Cleveland - Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat (ARC)
- Clockwork
- Cloud Ruins
- Codex Hall
- Codex Test
- Coffee Break Music - Pac-Man
- Combat - Pool of Radiance (NES)
- Combat - Ultima: Quest of the Avatar (NES)
- Commander Jones
- Congra - Rally Bike (ARC)
- Congratulations - Challenger (FC)
- Congratulations - Marble Madness
- Congratulations - Rad Racer (NES)
- Congratulations - Tetris 2 + Bombliss (FC)
- Congratulations! - J.League Fighting Soccer: The King of Ace Strikers (FC)
- Congratulations! - Vegas Dream (NES)
- Conversations
- Cornelia Castle
- Correct Answer - Anticipation (NES)
- Correct Answer ~ Ending - Anticipation (NES)
- Correct! - Classic Concentration (NES)
- Course Clear Fanfare
- Courtyard
- Crashman Stage
- Credits - Vegas Dream (NES)
- Crisis
- Crush - Rally Bike (ARC)
- Crystal Forever
- Cursed
- Cut Off - Rally Bike (ARC)
- Cut Scenes - Batman (NES)
- Cutman Stage
- Cutscene - Asmik-Kun Land (FC)
- Cutscene - Kaisen Game: Navy Blue 90 (GB)
- Cutscene - Moeru! Oniisan (FC)
- Cutscene - Tetris 2 (NES)
- Cutscene 1 - Circus Caper (NES)
- Cutscene 2 - Circus Caper (NES)
- Cutscene Theme 1 - The Rocketeer (NES)
- Cutscene Theme 2 - The Rocketeer (NES)
- Cutscene Theme 3 - The Rocketeer (NES)
- Cutscene Theme 4 - The Rocketeer (NES)